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There are multiple locations that make up the courts of Mobile County, Alabama. The Mobile County Courthouse is the main courthouse.
Mobile County Courthouse
Government Plaza
205 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36644-2913
(251) 574-8806
U.S. District Court
Southern District of Alabama
155 Saint Joseph St.
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 690-2371
Probate Court
Mobile County Government Center Annex
151 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 574-6001
Mobile County Family Court
Strickland Youth Facility
2315 Costarides Street
Mobile, Alabama 36617
City of Mobile Municipal Court
Government Plaza
205 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Bayou La Batre Municipal Court
13785 South Wintzell Avenue
Bayou La Batre, AL 36509
Saraland Municipal Court
937 Highway 43 South
Saraland, AL 36571
(251) 675-5393
Circuit Clerk
The Circuit Clerk is elected to a 6-year term, and their main responsibilities are to maintain all court records in both District and Circuit Courts, and to manage financial transactions for the courts. The Clerk manages jury selection, keeps the court schedules, and collects fees and fines for the court.
The Circuit Clerk is also the Absentee Election Manager for the federal, state, and county elections in Mobile County.
Sharla Knox
Mobile County Circuit Clerk
205 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36644
District Court
Mobile County is part of the Southern District of Alabama for the United States District Court. The Mobile Division includes Mobile, Baldwin, Choctaw, Monroe, Clarke, Washington, Conecuh, and Escambia Counties.
The Chief US District Court Judge is Jeffrey U. Beaverstock, and the Clerk of Court is Christopher L. Ekman.
Local District Court
Local District Courts have jurisdiction over misdemeanor criminal offenses and preliminary hearings for felony offenses. These courts can also handle non-death penalty felony cases when a defendant has pleaded guilty. District Court shares jurisdiction with Circuit Court for these specific cases.
District Court has jurisdiction in civil cases, when the amount involved is up to $10,000. When the amount is between $3,000 and $10,000 District Court shares jurisdiction with the Circuit Court. District Court judges are elected to 6-year terms.
Circuit Court
Circuit Courts are the courts of general jurisdiction in Alabama. Each county has its own circuit court that handles all felony cases and all civil cases involving more than $10,000. In some civil matters, they share jurisdiction with the Circuit Court for matters involving $3,000 to $10,000.
Circuit Court sometimes hears legal matters that have been filed in Juvenile Court or District Court. Circuit Court judges are elected to 6-year terms.
Municipal Courts
Municipal courts have limited jurisdiction and may handle ordinance violations and misdemeanor offenses that occur within the city limits.
Domestic Relations Court
Cases heard in Domestic Relations Court most commonly involve separations and divorces. This includes legal separations, divorces and annulments, determining parentage, child custody and visitation, child support, parental rights, spousal support, and orders of protection.
Probate Court
The Probate Court largely deals with cases involving wills and estates. However, Probate Court also has jurisdiction over adoptions, mental illness, and guardianship cases.
Juvenile Court
Juvenile Court hears cases involving persons under 18 who have committed crimes and cases involving dependent, neglected, and abused children. Juvenile Court also has jurisdiction over cases that involve paternity and non-support, which contribute to the delinquency of minors.
Veterans Court
Veterans Court is a special program to assist veterans and active-duty who are charged with certain felonies. Offenders must have a service-related mental illness, substance abuse disorder, or a traumatic brain injury.
Participants must follow all court orders, be randomly screened for drugs and alcohol, meet with their mentors, and complete all assigned treatments. There’s no specific timeline to follow.
Drug Court
Drug Court involves intensive treatment for substance abuse. Offenders who are charged with substance abuse or related felony offenses may be eligible. They cannot have a history of violent behavior. Treatment plans include 12-step programs, group therapy, and drug/alcohol testing. The program takes approximately 12 months to complete.